// JavaScript Document if (TransMenu.isSupported()) { //================================================================================================== // create a set of dropdowns //================================================================================================== // the first param should always be down, as it is here // // The second and third param are the top and left offset positions of the menus from their actuators // respectively. To make a menu appear a little to the left and bottom of an actuator, you could use // something like -5, 5 // // The last parameter can be .topLeft, .bottomLeft, .topRight, or .bottomRight to inidicate the corner // of the actuator from which to measure the offset positions above. Here we are saying we want the // menu to appear directly below the bottom left corner of the actuator //================================================================================================== var ms = new TransMenuSet(TransMenu.direction.down, 1, 0, TransMenu.reference.bottomLeft); //================================================================================================== // create a dropdown menu //================================================================================================== // the first parameter should be the HTML element which will act actuator for the menu //================================================================================================== TransMenu.renderAll(); }